Sunday, May 9, 2010

WK1 Free Choice - Edutopia Interview

This video from Edutopia is Principal Dereck Pierce talking about Casco Bay High School as a school that builds relationships with it’s students to develop them as people ready for real world experiences. The teachers coincide to build curriculum together though a week of staff development.

Principal Dereck Pierce says his school is curriculum driven by learning expeditions. There are two a year, one in math and science, the other in humanities. The school has exceeded in every area as far as testing is concerned yet this school does not teach to the test. They use real world experience to teach. He also talked about not using text books, instead using laptops,very non-traditional.

I think this is a great view of education today in the world of possibilities. This is a principal who has accepted the change of times and wants more for his staff and students. A leader or administrator that sees this can make a huge difference for the community. I’m not saying a teacher cannot do the same, but getting another authority’s support can really help make that change faster.


Edutopia. (Producer). (2010). Principle dereck pierce on building relationships between students and teachers [video]. Retrieved May, 9, 2010 from The George Lucas Educational Foundation.

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