Saturday, May 8, 2010

WK1 Reading - Grade "No Fail"

I noticed that right below the study questions for this week it read Grade – “No Fail”

Right away that takes away any added pressure and I can read the chapters assigned freely. When doing assigned reading, I usually highlight, take notes, re-read, and stress myself out to the point where I think I have to study every line. I’ve been conditioned to do this because, in school, I had quizzes on reading assignments and papers on the meaning and concepts that were all for a grade. In Chapter 2, Stepping Into a Universe of Possibility, Zander (2000) writes, “virtually everybody, whether living in the lap of luxury or diminished circumstances, wakes up in the morning with the unseen assumption that life is about the struggle to survive and get ahead in a world of limited resources.”

I find the struggle almost unbearable at times. Yet in Chapter 3, Giving an A, I read Michelangelo’s saying which I have heard many times over in art class and I myself say it to my students before we start a sculpture lesson. He said that in every block of stone lies a statue, you just have to remove the extra material and find it within. This is a beautiful saying as Michelangelo not only talks about art, but about life.

This book is giving me a new outlook on life which I’m sure is the point of the reading. It made me think of the Grade – “No Fail” that is typed on so many assignments for Full Sail. I was not used to doing something that I 100 percent could not fail. It is a weight lifted off the shoulders and I think it leaves the pressures behind so that I actually enjoy learning, exploring, and creating.


Zander, R. & Zander, B. (2000). The art of possibility: Transforming professional and personal life. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.

Images: Creative Commons

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