Friday, May 14, 2010

WK2 Reading - Lighten Up

Well I must comment on Chapter 6 – Rule Number 6. Don’t take yourself so goddamn seriously. I was so happy to read that the topic of the chapter was to lighten up. “When we practice Rule Number 6, we coax this calculating self to lighten up, and by doing so we break its hold on us” p. 81.

When reading about the downward spiral of the calculating self, I couldn’t help seeing myself in that downward scheme to try to better myself only to always end up in the cycle again. To be completely fulfilled is difficult because what I want always changes. My goals change and intensify. It shouldn’t be so hard to just be happy. I think it is natural to blame others for failure as in the case of June and Mark. I usually blame myself for everything though. That has been a difficult pattern to break.

That was an amazing story about the older and younger business partners and the central self. Been thinking about life situations a lot lately. It’s been a rough year. All I can do is smile and know that it is what I make it, so don’t stress. I’ll just keep reminding myself of Rule Number 6.


Zander, R. & Zander, B. (2000). The art of possibility: Transforming professional and personal life. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.


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